Student Housing

Student Housing 

The MIT Housing Office currently handles student housing concerns around trans issues on a case-by-case basis. If you are a trans or questioning person who has housing concerns specific to your gender presentation or identity, you may make a special housing request directly to the housing office. The Housing Office web site is:

You can also visit the Housing website to find more information on gender inclusive housing or fill out a supplemental housing form.

A supplemental housing form may be submitted for the following categories:

  • disability 
  • medical 
  • religious    
  • gender identity or expression 

Making a Request

  • Submit a Supplemental Housing Request Form within your Housing Portal, and upload any required or supporting documentation.
  • The earlier you make your request, the better your chances of receiving an assignment that meets your needs. Graduate students should make every effort to submit their requests before participating in Self-Selection.
  • Even if your supplemental request is approved, we cannot guarantee you a housing assignment. As with all housing, assignments are subject to availability. However, we will do our best to meet your needs.

Please contact LBGTQ+ Services if you have any questions.
