Rainbow Compass Mentorship Program FAQ


Q: What is the confidentiality of the program?

A: All applications will be completely confidential, and the information of mentors and mentees will not be publicly available. However, all mentors and mentees will meet each other during the mandatory training sessions.

Q: How often are mentees/mentors expected to meet?
A: You must meet at least once a month for the program to be successful.

Q: How long is the mentorship program?
A: The program lasts through May of the academic year; mentee/mentor pairs that wish to continue can do so through the length of the student's stay at MIT or another mutually agreed duration.

Q: Can graduate students be mentees?
A: Yes! The program is for both graduate and undergraduate students!

Q: I don't have experience being a mentor, can I still apply?
A: Yes! You don't need to have mentorship experience.  Qualities in a mentor is someone compassionate, respectful, supportive, the ability to be their for their mentee, and to provide a listening ear and guidance.  Mentors will get some training and have access to resources to help support their mentee. 

Q: I'm not part a faculty member/part of student life.  Can I still be a mentor?
A: Yes! Students are looking for mentors from all over MIT.

Q: Can graduate students be mentors?
A: No, but graduate students can be a mentee.

Q: Can alumnx who are no longer at MIT be mentors?
A: Yes, as long as you are still in the MIT area and will be able to meet with your mentee regularly. 

Q: Can Lincoln Lab employees be mentors?
A: Absolutely! Any staff from MIT, including Lincoln Labs, can be a mentor. We expect some students will want a mentor who is not part of their daily life on campus, and instead can have a perspective from the LL professional environment.

Q: Do all meetings have to be face-to-face?
A: No. At this time, the Rainbow Compass Mentorship Program and all meetings are digital. 

Q: How will matching be done?
A: Matching will be done based on the answers to the application forms. The application asks many questions which will help us match mentees and mentors correctly - we depend on those answers to do a good job.

Q: Will there be any training?
A: Yes, there will be a mentor and mentee orientation and kick-off (approx. 2 hours total). The pairs will all meet, and the training will concentrate on setting expectations, student life at MIT ("navigating" MIT), and general guidelines for the program.

Q: Will there be other meetings/events?
A: We expect to have "get togethers" of all mentors and mentees both at the start of the program in October, then again at the start of the Spring semester, and final event at the end of the year.